Writing Royal Entries in Early Modern Europe, edited by Marie-Claude Canova-Green and Jean Andrews, with Marie-France Wagner

di Caterina Nencetti

Data di pubblicazione su web 02/10/2013


Segnaliamo l'uscita di Writing Royal Entries in Early Modern Europe a cura di Marie-Claude Canova-Green, Jean Andrews e Marie-France Wagner. Il volume contiene saggi dedicati agli aspetti spettacolari nella vita politica europea durante il Rinascimento e l'Età moderna.

Rimandiamo qui alla nostra sezione Saggi per il contributo Florentine Festivals for the Entry of Archduke Leopold V of Austria in 1618, a cura di Sara Mamone e Caterina Pagnini e riportiamo, di seguito, l'indice del volume.




The Material Form and the Function of Printed Accounts of Henri II's Triumphal Entries (1547–51) di Hélène Visentin

Le Statut textuel de l'entrée royale ou solennelle sous le règne d'Henri IV : le cas particulier de l'entrée du roi à Moulins en 1595 di Marie-France Wagner

Les Inscriptions poétiques du livret de Jacques de Cahaignes et l'éloge latin du duc de Joyeuse lors de son entrée solennelle à Caen (1583) di John Nassichu k

Travelling with a Queen: The Journey of Margaret of Austria (1598–99) between Evidence and Reconstruction di Maria Ines Aliverti

(Failed) Early Modern Madrid Festival Book Publication Projects: Between Civic and Court Representation di David Sánche z Cano

Images of Co-Monarchy in the London Entry of Philip and Mary (1554) di Alexander Samson

Florentine Festivals for the Entry of Archduke Leopold V of Austria in 1618 di Sara Mamone and Caterina Pagnini

French Royal Entries and the Antique (1515–65) di Richard Cooper

Carlos de Sigüenza y Góngora's Depiction of the Aztec Emperors for the Viceregal Entry into Mexico City of 1680 di Jean Andrews

The Return of the Elector as King: Johann von Besser's Record of the Berlin Entry in May 1701 of Elector Friedrich III as Friedrich I, King in Prussia di Sara Smart

The Politics of Translation: Arthur Golding's Account of the Duke of Anjou's Entry into Antwerp (1582) di Elizabeth Goldring

A Question of Authenticity: Pierre Matthieu, Creator of Entries and Historiographer Royal di Margaret M. McGowan

Querelle littéraire sur le motif du troisième arc de triomphe érigé pour l'entrée des ducs à Aix-en-Provence en 1701 di Claire Latraverse

Malaise dans la cérémonie : Marie de Médicis à Marseille di Daniel Vaillancourt

Le Theatre des bons Engins de Guillaume de La Perrière : une ‘écriture' de l'entrée de Marguerite de Navarre à Toulouse en 1535 di Claudie Balavoine

From Object of Curiosity to Subject of Conversation: Mlle de Scudéry and the Paris Entry of Louis XIV and Maria Teresa (1660) di Marie-Claude Canova-Green

L'Entrée royale dans l'oeuvre romanesque de Mme de Villedieu di Nobu ko Akiyama

Entries and Festivals in Late Sixteenth- and Early Seventeenth‑Century Florence as Precedents for Court and Theatre in England (1600–20) di J. R. Mulryne

Le Motif de l'entrée solennelle dans l'oeuvre d'Agrippa d'Aubigné di Louise Frappier

Entrées farcesques et burlesques : le politique travesti di Claudine Nédelec
