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Maria Shevtsova,Rediscovering Stanislavsky, Cambridge, Cambridge University Press, 2019 Libri

In questo volume, Maria Shevtsova mette in rapporto l’operato di Konstantin Stanislavsky con il contesto politico della Russia a cavallo tra il XIX e XX secolo.

La studiosa, docente presso l’Università di Londra, ricostruisce la personale estetica del regista e teorico mediante fonti inedite in lingua russa (tradotte in inglese) e trascrizioni di partiture e progetti teatrali. Ne emergono aree poco conosciute del nuovo teatro stanislavskiano in proficuo rapporto con le arti visive, la danza e l’opera.

Un volume che si candida come imprescindibile punto di riferimento per tutti gli studiosi dell’opera e della vita di Stanislavsky e non solo.

Di seguito trascriviamo l' Indice del volume:



The Road to the Moscow Art Theatre 

Ensemble Theatre 

Utopian Communities 

Silver Age Metaphysics  



Stanislavsky and Politics 

Theatre in Revolution, and Meyerhold 

The Art Theatre in the Stalin Years,




The Life of the Human Spirit’ and Russian Orthodoxy 

‘Ya yesm’: ‘I Am’ and the Subconscious 

Several Problems of Translation 

Yoga; the Superconscious; Inspiration and Orthodoxy 

The Theatre of Emotional Experiencing 

Ethics and Discipline  




A Chart of the Studios 

Sulerzhitsky and the First Studio 

The Second Studio 

The Third Studio 

 The Fourth Studio 

The Bolshoy Opera Studio 

The Opera-Dramatic Studio 




The Society of Art and Literature 

Two Directors 

Production Scores and Musicality: Chekhov and Gorky 

‘Reality’ and The Lower Depths 

Rehearsal Notes: Cain and The Marriage of Figaro 

Director-Pedagogue: Othello, Romeo and Juliet, Hamlet 

What Is a Director? 




Which Stanislavsky? 

Perspectives: France, Britain, Germany 

Now: The ‘Human Being’ 




Rediscovering Stanislavsky
288 pp.

euro 32,00

ISBN: 9781107023390

Firenze University Press
tel. (+39) 055 2757700 - fax (+39) 055 2757712
Via Cittadella 7 - 50144 Firenze

web:  http://www.fupress.com
© Firenze University Press 2013