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«Quaderni d’italianistica», XXXIX, 2, 2018 Riviste

Numero speciale Pirandello 150
a cura di Luca Somigli e Alberto Zambenedetti

Luca Somigli e Alberto Zambenedetti



Giuliana Sanguineti Katz

“La vita che ti diedi” di Luigi Pirandello e “L’attesa” di Piero Messina


Manuela Gieri

From Motherhood to Fatherhood: The Eclipse of Reason in the Taviani Brothers “Tu ridi”


Michael Syrimis

On the Seriousness of Things Pirandello’s “Ma non è una cosa seria”


Marisa Escobar, Beppe Fenoglio Archive

Translation, Resistenza [sic!], Testimony


Danila Cannamela

A Fairy-Tale Noir: Rewriting Fairy Tales into Feminist Narratives of Exposure


Paolo Saporito

Stories of Blogs, E-books and Time Slowdown, Participation and Resistance in Wu Ming’s Giap and “L’archivio e la strada”


Note e documenti

Sandra Parmegiani, Andrea Penso, Dirk Vanden Berghe

Mapping the Reception of English Novels in Italy During the Long 18th Century. A Digital Approach




Giacomo da Lentini, The Complete Poetry

traduzione e edizione in inglese a cura di Richard Lansing, Toronto, Toronto University Press, 2018


George Mc Clure

Doubting the Divine in Early Modern Europe: The Revival of Momus, the Agnostic God

New York, Cambridge University Press, 2018;


Josephine Jungic

Giuliano dei Medici: Machiavelli’s Prince in Life and Art

Montreal, McGill-Queen’s University Press, 2018;


Isabella Andreini

Mirtilla. A Pastoral

Bilingual Edition, ed. a cura di V. Finucci, traduz. di J. Kisacky


W. H. Vanderburg

The Growth of Minds and Cultures: A Unified Interpretation of the Structure of Human Experience, Toronto, Toronto University Press. Scholarly Publishing Division, 2016 (seconda edizione);


Autori vari


Trasmissions of Memory, Echoes, Traumas and Nostalgia in Post-World War II Italian Culture, Farleigh Dickinson University Press, 2018


Encounters with the Real in Contemporary Italian Literature and Cinema

a cura di L. Di Martino e P. Verdicchio, Newcastle Scholars Publishing, 2017.

Quaderni d’italianistica, XXXIX, 2, 2018

Official Journal of the Canadian Society for Italian Studies


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